Web Design Interactive Media Team Production is a senior level course focusing on motion graphics as an interactive design solution. The students are immersed into the total project management process from concept to completion, including employee time management, budget management and task sequencing. Working with a team is also introduced as preparation for hierarchies and group dynamics of the workplace and advanced project classes.


Below is the tentative weekly schedule for the Team Interactive Media Production Class. A heavy emphasis on Project Management and Project Workflow is placed on the first two weeks. The team begins to hash-out their own schedule by week three, while following the deadlines provided below. The remaining weeks remain focused on the construction of the app through the different team departments.


Introduction to class
Lecture: Team Environment / Workflow of an Advanced Multimedia Project
Lecture: Review and Breakdown Previous Class Projects
Group Discussion: Team Framework / Roles
Group Discussion: Discuss Final Project Subjects


Group Discussion: Project Pitches and Presentations
Group Discussion: Lockdown Final Project Subject
Group Discussion: Project Management Software
Field Trip: Museum/ Research Exhibit


Group Discussion: Team Meetings
Group Discussion: Begin Use Case Studies
Project Manager: One-On-One w/ Instructor
Project Milestone: Flowchart Due
Project Milestone: Style Guide Concepts Due


Group Discussion: Team Meetings
Project Manager: One-On-One w/ Instructor
Project Milestone: Use Case Studies Due
Project Milestone: Final Style Guide Due


Group Discussion: Team Meetings
Project Manager: One-On-One w/ Instructor
Project Milestone: Homepage Concepts Due
Project Milestone: Programming Proof of Concepts (Round 1) Due


Group Discussion: Team Meetings
Project Manager: One-On-One w/ Instructor
Project Milestone: Revised Homepage Due
Project Milestone: Programming Proof of Concepts (Round 2) Due


Group Discussion: Team Meetings
Project Manager: One-On-One w/ Instructor
Project Milestone: Programming Proof of Concepts (Round 3) Due
Project Milestone: Subpage Concepts Due


Group Discussion: Team Meetings
Project Manager: One-On-One w/ Instructor
In-Class Assignment: Layer Styles Typography
Project Milestone: Subpage Designs Revised Due


Demo: Filters in Photoshop
Group Discussion: Team Meetings
Project Manager: One-On-One w/ Instructor
Project Milestone: Working Beta Tested on Tablet Due
Project Milestone: Tablet Icon Designs Due


Group Discussion: Team Meetings
Project Manager: One-On-One w/ Instructor
Project Milestone: User Testing / Debugging


Project Milestone: Final Project Presentation 


Below you’ll find the Team Production final project parameters. The final project puts the students into a team environment, where they are responsible for creating a promotional app (Android & IOS) for the museum exhibit of their choice.  I am responsible for the creation of all documents posted here.


Create a stylistically appropriate tablet app for the local museum exhibit your choice.

  • Select a subject with strong visual possibilities.
  • Identify and extract major, universal themes from the subject to steer your designs. Present your themes to the class.
  • Design text elements with visual and motion characteristics also support your style.
  • Select and mix appropriate audio for music, presence, sound effects, etc.
  • Should contain a “splash” page, main page and a minimum of 5 subjects to be presented.




This App was created in the Team Production class in 2016 to promote the YOU! the Experience exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry. Team members include: Art Director: John Henriquez, Programmer: Patsy Diaz, Motion Designer: Nate Steder, and Graphic Designer: Jeremy Buenrostro. 

The user can track their individual screen touch taps to make a virtual heart beat. The app tracks the beats and calculates the BPM (beat per minute) rate.

Here the user can learn about the nine prenatal stages of human development through animation intense modal windows.

Here the user can view the human hand in view and discover three different “layers” including the bone, nerves, and skin.

Here the user can use a slider to interactively rotate a 3D model of the human brain. Information changes depending on the position of the slider.


This App was created in the Team Production class in 2014 to promote the Science Storms exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry. Team members include: Project Manager: Dayton R., Art Director: Phil B., Lead Programmer: Matt F, Programmer: Josh F., Motion Designer: Jessica S., and Graphic Designer: Jenna F. 

Here the user can view the influence that a variety of chemicals including Boron, Calcium, Indium, and Iron have when added to fire. 

Here the user can use an interactive wave pool. Through two interactive sliders, the user can set the Wave Distance and Wave Size and then create the wave to see it’s effects on a passenger ship at sea.

The “What is Light” page allows the user to learn about the elements that comprise RGB light waves.


This App was created in the Team Production class in 2014 to promote the Numbers in Nature exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry. Team members include: Project Manager: John Siepl, Art Director: Ingrid Marinangel, Lead Programmer: Jene Mitchell, Programmer: Michael Hodes, Motion Designer: Ron Farina, and Graphic Designer: Sara Walker. 

Here the user can explore and learn about symmetry by learning about the “Golden Ratio”.

This interactive generative design engine allows the user to create art by selecting the opacity, color, and rotational direction of a rotating line. 

Here the user can learn about spiral patterns in nature by touch-tapping an interactive nautilus shell.

Here the user can explore fractal patterns in nature by tilting the tablet. This page is programmed to respond to the tablets excellerometer.


This App was created in the Team Production class in 2018 to promote the Solar Systems exhibit at the Adler Planetarium and Industry. Team members include: Project Manager: Alyssa Parlier, Art Director: Mike Pratt, Lead Programmer: Mike Olson, Motion Designer: Mike Olson, and Graphic Designer: Edgar Lugo. 

Here the user can explore the different layers of the planet Jupiter including the core, mantle, crust, atmosphere, and others by interactively touch tapping buttons.

Here the user can interactively explore the differences between the Earths size, orbit, and temperature, to other planets in our solar system.

Here the user can explore the different layers of our Sun including the core, mantle, crust, surface, and others by interactively touch tapping buttons.

Here the user can play an interactive game by clicking and dragging the planets of our solar system into the correct order


This App was created in the Team Production class in 2015 to promote the Earth Explorers exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry. Team members include: Project Manager: Patrick Layton, Art Director: Erica Gustafson, Lead Programmer: Frank Cannistra, Programmer: Larry Machado, Motion Designer: Todd Kunach, and Graphic Designer: Simeon Rusev. 

Here the user can explore the ocean by clicking on elements such as a great white shark. Or, the user can take a interactive submarine ride through the depths of the ocean.

Here the user can learn about a great white shark through a pop-up window.

The Rainforest page allows users to explore the forest canopy by clicking and dragging their way from the upper canopy to the lower canopy.

Here the user can play a matching game by attempting to match a footprint to the correct animal.

Here the user can explore the migratory patterns of various animals through an animated map.


This App was created in the Team Production class in 2015 to promote the Machine Inside exhibit at the Field Museum. Team members include: Project Manager: Lauren Latanski, Art Director: Chris Coletta, Lead Programmer: Ryan Webb, Programmer: David Kranz, Motion Designer: Alan Huber, and Graphic Designer: Andrew Tritt. 

Here the user can explore the how pumps and valves work from the heart to the brain in an interactive and animated display.

Here the user can see the effects of wind on the wings of a bird through an interactive animation.

Here the user can see the the mechanics and locomotion of a cheetah through an interactive animation.